Op 25 januari 2023 organiseert Empowercare de afsluitende virtuele conferentie!

Benieuwd naar de uitkomsten van het internationale Empowercare project? Tijdens de conferentie staan we stil bij de EMPOWERment-strategie, de technische blauwdruk en een update over de evaluatie van de Canterbury Christ Church University.


25 januari van 10.30 uur tot 15.30 uur (Nederlandse tijd)
(GMT: 9.30 uur – 14.30 uur)


Ja, ik meld me aan!



10.30 Housekeeping and Agenda
10.35 Welcome
10.45 Keynote Speaker – Professor Panos Bamidis
Topic: Patient Empowerment: Challenges and Opportunities
11.00 Empowerment strategy and workforce resources
• Overview of the strategy and competency framework developed by the project, designed to empower individuals and focus on a person centred approach.
• Introduction to EMPOWERCARE’s Virtual Skills Lab and package of workforce resources
12.00 Break
12.10 Keynote Speaker – Peter Julius
Topic: Public Intelligence
12.25 Technology Blueprint:
• Presenting the approaches followed in co-producing the Technology Blueprint.
• The session will also present the Peer Supporter Training as a useful resource followed by an interactive Presentation of the Technology Blueprint as an online tool.
13.25 Q&A
13.40 Lunch
14.20 Evaluation:
• The evaluation team at Canterbury Christ Church University will present an overview of the evaluation approach and process, followed by a selection of insightful quantitative and qualitative data findings by country. Finally, the team will offer key messages coming out of the evaluation and concluding remarks.
14.50 Future of the project and sustainability
15.10 Q&A
15.20 Thank you
15.25 Close


Flyer Final Conference Empowercare